<title hidden = 'hidden'>EpiCenter: California Injury Data Online


California Injury Data Online

Welcome to EpiCenter

EpiCenter is an interactive tool for viewing California data on injuries that resulted in death, hospitalization, or an emergency department (ED) visit. Injuries are defined as the resulting damage to a person caused by an acute transfer of energy (mechanical, thermal, electrical, chemical, or radiation) or by the sudden absence of heat or oxygen. Causes of injuries are classified according to intent and mechanism, or the vector that delivered the energy to the body to cause the injury. The figure below shows the composition of California injury deaths, hospitalizations, or ED visits by cause for the most recent data year.

by Intent and Mechanism

Dig deeper into California injury data by selecting an injury outcome – death, hospitalization, or ED visit – from the blue panel at the top of the page. For each injury outcome, you will be able to filter the data, display custom tables, graph trends over time, and more. A detailed user guide and documentation can be viewed from the light grey panel on the left.

Injury data are the foundation for action. To learn what the California Department of Public Health is doing to help prevent injuries, visit the Injury and Violence Prevention Branch(IVPB) home page.

Suggested Citation:

California Department of Public Health, Injury and Violence Prevention Branch. (2023, December 15). EpiCenter: California Injury Data Online. Retrieved 03/13/25 from https://skylab4.cdph.ca.gov/epicenter/.

User Guide


Frequently Asked Questions


  • Unlisted rows have zero injuries.
  • Rows with injury counts that appear blank have <11 injuries and are suppressed for data de-identification purposes.
  • Rows with injury rates that appear blank do not have appropriate population data available for rate calculation.
  • Rates for data years 2020 and 2021 were updated in December 2023 using the latest population projections from the California Department of Finance and may differ from rates that appeared on EpiCenter previously.


  • Injury counts <11 are not graphed for data de-identification purposes.
  • Injury rates are not graphed when appropriate population data for rate calculation are unavailable.
  • Rates for data years 2020 and 2021 were updated in December 2023 using the latest population projections from the California Department of Finance and may differ from rates that appeared on EpiCenter previously.


  • Unlisted groups have zero injuries.
  • Injury counts <11 are not graphed for data de-identification purposes.
  • Injury rates are not graphed when appropriate population data for rate calculation are unavailable.
  • Rates for data years 2020 and 2021 were updated in December 2023 using the latest population projections from the California Department of Finance and may differ from rates that appeared on EpiCenter previously.


  • Unlisted rows have zero injuries.
  • Rows with injury counts that appear blank have <11 injuries and are suppressed for data de-identification purposes.
  • Rows with injury rates that appear blank do not have appropriate population data available for rate calculation.
  • Rates for data years 2020 and 2021 were updated in December 2023 using the latest population projections from the California Department of Finance and may differ from rates that appeared on EpiCenter previously.
  • Starting in 2019, race/ethnicity coding was expanded to include Multiracial as a category and separate Asian and Pacific Islander into two categories. When grouping by race/ethnicity, it is advised to limit data to either 2019 and later or 2018 and earlier.


  • Injury counts <11 are not graphed for data de-identification purposes.
  • Injury rates are not graphed when appropriate population data for rate calculation are unavailable.
  • Rates for data years 2020 and 2021 were updated in December 2023 using the latest population projections from the California Department of Finance and may differ from rates that appeared on EpiCenter previously.
  • Starting in 2019, race/ethnicity coding was expanded to include Multiracial as a category and separate Asian and Pacific Islander into two categories. When grouping by race/ethnicity, it is advised to limit data to either 2019 and later or 2018 and earlier.


  • Unlisted groups have zero injuries.
  • Injury counts <11 are not graphed for data de-identification purposes.
  • Injury rates are not graphed when appropriate population data for rate calculation are unavailable.
  • Rates for data years 2020 and 2021 were updated in December 2023 using the latest population projections from the California Department of Finance and may differ from rates that appeared on EpiCenter previously.
  • Starting in 2019, race/ethnicity coding was expanded to include Multiracial as a category and separate Asian and Pacific Islander into two categories. When grouping by race/ethnicity, it is advised to limit data to either 2019 and later or 2018 and earlier.


  • Unlisted rows have zero injuries.
  • Rows with injury counts that appear blank have <11 injuries and are suppressed for data de-identification purposes.
  • Rows with injury rates that appear blank do not have appropriate population data available for rate calculation.
  • Rates for data years 2020 and 2021 were updated in December 2023 using the latest population projections from the California Department of Finance and may differ from rates that appeared on EpiCenter previously.
  • Starting in 2019, race/ethnicity coding was expanded to include Multiracial as a category and separate Asian and Pacific Islander into two categories. When grouping by race/ethnicity, it is advised to limit data to either 2019 and later or 2018 and earlier.


  • Injury counts <11 are not graphed for data de-identification purposes.
  • Injury rates are not graphed when appropriate population data for rate calculation are unavailable.
  • Rates for data years 2020 and 2021 were updated in December 2023 using the latest population projections from the California Department of Finance and may differ from rates that appeared on EpiCenter previously.
  • Starting in 2019, race/ethnicity coding was expanded to include Multiracial as a category and separate Asian and Pacific Islander into two categories. When grouping by race/ethnicity, it is advised to limit data to either 2019 and later or 2018 and earlier.


  • Unlisted groups have zero injuries.
  • Injury counts <11 are not graphed for data de-identification purposes.
  • Injury rates are not graphed when appropriate population data for rate calculation are unavailable.
  • Rates for data years 2020 and 2021 were updated in December 2023 using the latest population projections from the California Department of Finance and may differ from rates that appeared on EpiCenter previously.
  • Starting in 2019, race/ethnicity coding was expanded to include Multiracial as a category and separate Asian and Pacific Islander into two categories. When grouping by race/ethnicity, it is advised to limit data to either 2019 and later or 2018 and earlier.

Updated December 15, 2023
Legacy EpiCenter site