Less than 0.7
Between 0.7 and 0.9
Between 0.9 and 1.1
Between 1.1 and 1.3
Greater than 1.3
Note: Detailed model scenario descriptions can be found below the graph or on the Technical Notes tab.
Note: Starting on July 19, 2023, this page updates on a bi-weekly schedule to align with the cadence of CDC Nowcast updates.
This Rt-estim-gamma model by Isaac Goldstein and Volodymyr Minin at UC Irvine and Jon Wakefield at University of Washington is a branching process inspired model where cases are modeled as noisy realizations of latent unobserved incidence. The number of diagnostic tests is incorporated as a covariate into the surveillance model to adjust for changes in testing volume over time.
Code RepositoryThis model by Isaac Goldstein and Volodymyr Minin at UC Irvine uses a modified compartmental model where viral pathogen genome concentrations are modeled as a noisy realization of a weighted sum of the number of infectious and recently recovered individuals.
Code RepositoryThe UCSF model uses raw data from three sources: new cases by county from California Health and Human Services; wastewater readings from the Cal-SuWers network (“Wastewater (C)”), BioBot Analytics (“Wastewater (B)”) and WastewaterScan (“Wastewater (W)”). The Wallinga-Teunis technique is used to estimate reproduction numbers, corrected for right censoring of the case detection data.
Raw databs = 'ad'
in mgcv
's gam()
function) to the normalized wastewater data to remove noise and recover the underlying trend of interest-- log-transformed input data undergoes smoothing using a TOBIT (censored normal) error distribution; dates with concentrations of 0 are treated as non-detects with censored outcomes, and the limit of detection is initially estimated using the lowest nonzero value in recent data. Smooth fits are used to detect outliers, i.e., observations with extreme residuals and thus unlikely to be in 95% of time series generated under the smooth model. Any outliers so flagged are resampled. Then the wastewater concentrations are converted into an estimated time series of infection events by deconvolving the smoothed wastewater signal with an estimate of the shedding load distribution. For deconvolution, following Huisman’s initial approach is used (available through estimateR
's deconvolve_incidence()
function) with a gamma-distributed incubation period with mean 3.58 days and SD 1.77 days, combined with a fecal shedding load distribution from the systematic review of Benefield et al., gamma distributed with mean 6.7 days and SD 7 days. Once the time series of infection events has been estimated, Rt is recovered based on an estimate of the generation interval distribution using standard renewal equation methods with the default priors for Rt in EpiEstim to have an expected value of 1. Rt estimates for each sewershed are converted to the overall county estimate using a population-weighted average. Inference is then conducted by calculating bootstrap quantiles and odds of agreement of epidemic trajectory with the point estimate based on original data. Wastewater samples are collected and processed by WastewaterSCAN, an organization that partners with the Cal-SuWers Network to monitor wastewater at wastewater treatment plants in California. To reduce the effect of noise, the wastewater data is processed with spline smoothing followed by a square root transformation. To convert from viral shedding events in wastewater to a time series of infection events, the estimateR method uses a gamma delay distribution with a mean of 5 days and a standard deviation of 0.5 days (Huisman et al. 2022). Using the inferred infection time series, estimateR calculates the effective reproduction number by implementing a wrapper around the EpiEstim package (Scire et al. 2022). The generation time distribution input to EpiEstim is gamma distributed with a mean of 6.84 days, and a standard deviation of 4.48 days (Manica et al. 2022).
To account for lags introduced by deconvolution and wastewater data reporting, wastewater for each treatment plant is forecasted until the present day using a TBATS time series model (T: Trigonometric seasonality, B: Box-Cox transformation, A: ARIMA errors, T: Trend, S: Seasonal components) optimized by the forecast package. TBATS is an exponential smoothing model designed to forecast data with complex seasonal patterns (De Livera et al. 2011). This step provides a nowcasted, current-day estimate of the effective reproduction number. The effective reproduction number for each wastewater treatment plant is subsequently aggregated to the county level via population weighting.
CDC overview of wastewater surveillanceEpiEstim uses a time series of daily infections generated by EpiNow2 from reports of positive PCR tests using ELR data as input, and a renewal equation based method to estimate R-effective over “sliding windows”. We assume R-effective will be constant over 7 day sliding windows. The serial interval is parameterized as an offset gamma distribution with a mean of 2.90 and a standard deviation of 1.64 days (Park et al. 2023).
Code repositoryEpiNow2 uses a renewal equation-based model to estimate the time-varying reproduction number (R-effective) based on time series data by date of infection and an estimate of the generation interval, which is set to follow a lognormal distribution with a mean and standard deviation of 2.90 and 1.64 days (Park et al. 2023), discretized and bounded between 1–12 days.
ELR: To convert the input Electronic Laboratory Reporting (ELR) based time series to an infection date-based time series, EpiNow2 uses a convolved incubation period–a modified Weibull distribution with a mean of 4.24 days (Park et al. 2023)–and a data reporting delay distribution (time from onset to laboratory confirmation)–a lognormal distribution with a mean of 3.1 days and standard deviation of 2.6 days.
Hospitalizations: To convert the input hospital admission date-based time series to an infection date-based time series, EpiNow2 uses a convolved incubation period—a modified Weibull distribution with a mean of 4.24 days (Park et al. 2023)–and an onset to hospitalization delay, which follows a lognormal distribution with a mean of 8.3 days and standard deviation of 11.9 days.
Code repositoryThe COVID-19 Forecast Hub is run by the US CDC. The project collects forecast for the weekly new hospitalizations due to COVID-19. Forecasts are weekly, out to four weeks, at the state and national level.
Raw dataThis model by Vladimir Minin and Damon Bayer at UC Irvine is a SEIR type model stratified by Omicron vs non-Omicron infection with hospitalization compartments. The model is calibrated to California hospital data from the California open data portal using data on COVID variant prevalence from GISAID."
Raw dataModel forecasts are the result of utilizing the forecast package's automatic ARIMA forecasting model. Note that the form of the model may vary between counties and over subsequent published forecasts.
Modeling methodsThe Holt's linear trend method extends simple exponential smoothing to allow the forecasting of data with a trend (Holt 2004).
The Damped Holt's model is an exponential smoothing model designed to damp erratic trends (Gardner & Mckenzie 1985).
The neural network autoregression (NNETAR) model is a system of feed-forward neural networks with a single hidden layer and lagged inputs.
A dynamic harmonic regression model captures a seasonal pattern using Fourier terms with short-term time series dynamics handled by an ARIMA error (Young et al. 1999).
The acronym “TBATS” stands for: trigonometric seasonality; Box-Cox transformation; ARIMA errors; trend; and seasonal components. TBATS is an exponential smoothing model designed to forecast data with complex seasonal patterns (De Livera et al. 2011).
EpiNow2 uses a renewal equation-based model to estimate the time-varying reproduction number (R-effective) based on time series data by date of infection and an estimate of the generation interval, which is set to a lognormal distribution with a mean and standard deviation of 2.90 and 1.64 days (Park et al. 2023), discretized and bounded between 1–12 days. To convert the input hospital admission date-based time series to an infection date-based time series, EpiNow2 uses a convolved incubation period—a modified Weibull distribution with a mean of 4.24 days (Park et al. 2023)–and an onset to hospitalization delay, which follows a lognormal distribution with a mean of 8.3 days and standard deviation of 11.9 days.
Code repository
Modeling methods
Model vignette
This forecast is compiled from individual judgment forecasts from members of the CDPH modeling team. A probability distribution spline is fitted for each submission (in form of quantile predictions), and the median ensemble is calculated from all the forecasts in each epiweek for the final forecast.
No booster scenario assumes no future recommendation to get additional booster doses or receive additional vaccination.
High-risk booster scenario assumes that the uptake of annual reformulated booster in high-risk groups (65+ and other individuals with underlying risk factors for severe COVID-19 outcomes) follows uptake observed for the booster dose during the 2023-24 season and negligible vaccination among others outside of high-risk groups.
All booster scenario that the uptake of annual reformulated booster in all groups follows uptake observed for the booster dose during the 2023-24 season.
Low immune escape scenario assumes immune escape occurs at a constant rate of 20% per year.
High immune escape scenario assumes immune escape occurs at a constant rate of 50% per year.
Models based on previously observed variant proportions are used to generate real-time estimates of variant proportions. Each model is applied separately to both the integrated genomic epidemiology dataset (IGED) and Terra.
The logistic proportion model is based on methods presented in Althaus et al 2021. It uses the last 60 days of data to estimate a trend in variant growth assuming it is following a logistic pattern.
The multinomial spline model is based on methods presented in Davies et al 2021. It uses a multinomial logistic regression with cubic spline terms to estimate temporal trends in the frequency each variant is observed.
The variant simple growth model is currently only estimated statewide and uses variants specific effective reproduction numbers (Reff) and simple growth models to estimate variant specific case counts. Variant proportions are then estimated from these case counts as the proportion of projected new cases caused by each variant. The model to estimate variant specific reproduction numbers is based on methods presented in Figgins & Bedford 2021.
The ensemble mean model is the average of the available projection models listed above. The range displayed in the plot is the lowest to highest uncertainty estimates from the input models.
A weighted ensemble of five component models: 1) SIR compartmental model; 2) historical-drift model where the mean and variance of the drift for each week and location are derived by sampling first-order lags in incidence from historical data; 3) Exponential-Smoothing model that decomposes a time series to a baseline, trend and seasonal components; 4) Light Gradient Boosting Machine (LightGBM), a ML ensemble decision tree method designed for classification and regression tasks that has been effectively adapted for time series forecasting; and 5)Temporal-Fusion-Transformer model- a transformer-based neural-network architecture tailored for time series forecasting.
Deterministic fit of a compartmental SIHR model to weekly, CA region level, hospitalization incidence profiles, followed by stochastic simulations using the inferred parameter distributions. The ‘H’ compartment is divided into two compartments to ensure the correct generation time for the Infectious compartment and proper fitting of the portion of infectious individuals that are hospitalized. For each of the five CA regions, the model fit is inferred by an MCMC procedure and run forward at a weekly cadence.
A spatial time-series model that uses the R-INLA package for estimating a jointly fitted time-series model that includes seasonality terms, state-specific connectivity, and a random walk component.
Ensemble of statistical and machine learning time series models.
The CDC Ensemble from the CDC FluSight Challenge includes all available flu forecasts for the state of California.
These forecasts consist of several time series forecast approaches:
This forecast is compiled from individual judgment forecasts from members of the CDPH modeling team. A probability distribution spline is fitted for each submission (in form of quantile predictions), and the median ensemble is calculated from all the forecasts in each epiweek for the final forecast.
EpiNow2 uses a renewal equation-based model to estimate the time-varying reproduction number (R-effective) based on time series data by date of infection and an estimate of the generation interval, which is set to a lognormal distribution with a mean and standard deviation of 3.52 and 2.10 days (Chan et al. 2024), discretized and bounded between 1–9 days. To convert the input hospital admission date-based timeseries to an infection date-based timeseries, EpiNow2 uses a convolved incubation period-–a gamma distribution with mean 1.55 days and standard deviation 0.66 days (Chan et al. 2024), bounded between 0–5 days—and an onset to hospitalization delay, which follows a gamma distribution with mean 5.8 days and standard deviation 2.81 days.
Code repository
Modeling methods
Model vignette
The ensemble model is the median value of all available CDPH models. The lower and upper 95% prediction intervals for the ensemble are calculated by interpolating quantiles of all available models for a given geographic region.
The subtype H3N2 dominant scenarios assume that the next season is dominated by influenza A/H3N2, indexed on the age dynamics and severity based on the 2017-2018 season.
The subtype H1N1 dominant scenarios assume that the next season is dominated by influenza A/H1N1, indexed on the age dynamics and severity based on the 2019-2020 season.
The high vaccine coverage scenarios assume that the vaccine coverage is 20% higher than in the 2022-2023 flu season in all age groups and jurisdictions.
The medium vaccine coverage scenarios assume that the vaccine coverage is same as in the 2022-2023 flu season in all age groups and jurisdictions. Overall US coverage is about 49% in this scenario.
The low vaccine coverage scenarios assume that the vaccine coverage is 20% lower than in the 2022-2023 flu season in all age groups and jurisdictions.