Income disparities are based on rates observed among ten income groups beginning with those living below 100% FPL and ending with the overall population. Using the cumulative proportion of individuals living below a given FPL and the associated rates, a Concentration Curve is summarized using the Concentration Coefficient (C).
The Concentration Coefficient is similar to the Gini Coefficient, in that it tells us how much inequality is present in rates by income level. The larger the value, the more inequality. To put values in perspective, consider that income inequality for California in 2022 was 49%, and we think of values close to 50% as reflecting high inequality. Zero (0) is perfect equality and one (1) is perfect inequality (where one income group contains all individuals with a given outcome).
Race/ethnic disparities are based on rates observed among race/ethnic groups. There are multiple ways to measure disparity. Two common methods are to examine differences from the best group rate and overall rate for a given indicator. The profiles present both in absolute terms (i.e. percentage point differnce) and relative terms (as a proportion of the reference).
Summary measures for overall disparity for each indicator are based on the average absolute difference from the reference and either present that as the averge percentage point difference or average proportional difference across all race/ethnic groups.
Disparity Ratio = Maximum rate / mininum rate.
Diff. from Best = Mean percentage point difference and percent of Best group rate.
Diff. from Overall= Mean percentage point difference and percent of Overall rate.
For youth physical fitness data, race/ethnic disparities are based on rates observed among race/ethnic groups. Methods similar to adults are used; exmaine differences from the best group rate and overall rate with respect to overweight/obesity rates. The profiles present both in absolute terms (i.e. percentage point differnce) and relative terms (as a proportion of the reference).
Summary measures for overall disparity are based on the average absolute difference from the reference and either present that as the averge percentage point difference or average proportional difference across all race/ethnic groups.
Disparity Ratio = Maximum rate / mininum rate.
Diff. from Best = Mean percentage point difference and percent of Best group rate.
Diff. from Overall= Mean percentage point difference and percent of Overall rate.